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Sony Is All Ears at Virtual CES

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While major consumer electronics brands LG, Hisense, Samsung, and Panasonic concentrated their CES 2021 messaging on smart fridges, smarter vehicles, and tech for the coronavirus era, Sony stood out with its emphasis on media and entertainment production.

它的主要声明是推出了一个音频混音工具,可以让制片人和导演更好地远程分享最终的音频评论. Fine-tuning the sound mix on commercials, TV, or film productions was a client-attend fixture pre-COVID, 但是,由于没有任何一方能够确定他们听到的是完全相同的东西,因此在偏远条件下的创造性来回走动受到了阻碍.

Sony’s 360 virtual mixing environment (VME) "is a mind-blowing tech that can reproduce in a pair of headphones the same sound mixed by professionals in a studio," said Bill Baggelaar, EVP and CTO of technology development for Sony Pictures Entertainment in a video. Sony Pictures’ Ghostbusters: Afterlife and Venom: Let There be Carnage have been the first to try out the technology, which replicates the speakers of a sound stage in any location and supports 5.1, 7.1, and Dolby Atmos mixes.

Baggelaar说:“你真的是在欺骗你的大脑,让它以为你在另一个环境中。 The Hollywood Reporter.

The 360 VME was developed by Sony Electronics' R&D团队在东京与工作室的创新和声音服务部门在卡尔弗市合作.

360 Music and Video Streaming

For consumers, Sony has expanded its 360 Reality Audio services, including adding new video streaming capabilities and content creation tools. Introduced in 2019, 360现实音频使艺术家和创作者可以通过绘制人声等声源来制作音乐, chorus, 以及带有位置信息的仪器,并将它们放置在一个球形空间中. 它的目的是唤起在音乐工作室或现场音乐会场地的感觉.

Live video performances have now been added to the sound. 为了展示这一点,艺术家扎拉·拉尔森昨天进行了独家现场表演. 观众可以通过智能手机上的“艺术家连接”应用程序对表演进行直播. With select Sony headphones and an app, 用户可以分析自己的耳朵形状,享受自定义的沉浸式音乐领域.

索尼表示,今年晚些时候,该公司旗下的艺人和其他艺人将开始播放新的视频内容. 此外,索尼正在与其他CE公司合作,推广360度现实音频体验.

在过去的十年里,耳机市场经历了惊人的增长,因此, 耳机正在成为市场上销售最快的个人电子设备, according to Futuresource Consulting. 耳机和真正的无线设备预计将在五年内增长到超过7亿.

Chris Havell, senior director of product marketing, voice & music at Qualcomm Technologies, believes that there are still numerous improvements to be made, with immersive audio quality, microphone audio quality, and protecting listener health being of key importance. 除此之外,消费者现在更多地使用耳机玩游戏和看电影. This means that audio quality has to be delivered with low latency. 哈维尔说,在标准耳机产品中实现这些功能现在很重要.

UAV for Cinematography

索尼在去年年底发布了新的AirPeak无人机开发计划,并在2021年国际消费电子展上展示了更多内容, though not the full monty, on the brand.

"Today, we're going to introduce a product that integrates AI and robotics, designed for adventurous creators," CEO Kenichiro Yoshida said in a video.

这架无人机的设计目的是携带索尼自己的成像技术,特别是阿尔法系列无反光镜相机. 索尼表示,这将是市场上最小的可以配备摄像头的无人机, which means full-frame aerial photography and video.

AirPeak的目标是“专业摄影和视频制作”,将于今年上半年推出. 索尼还表示,这将是“这个项目的第一阶段”,可能暗示消费者版本将紧随其后.

In Sony's teaser video, 这架无人机跟随一辆索尼Vision-S概念电动汽车的原型车在赛道上行驶.  不管索尼有什么计划,它所追逐的市场规模据分析公司国际数据公司(IDC)估计只有16美元.在消费者方面,它被中国大疆公司所垄断.

Cognitive TV

At CES2021, 索尼还推出了它所称的全球首款认知智能电视. The smarts for this are contained in a new type of image processor, the Cognitive Processor XR, which surveys the entire frame in real time, 把注意力集中在特定的区域,比如真实的肤色,以此来模仿我们的大脑处理图像的方式. 这也有助于电视的8K性能,并将在新的Bravia XR LED和OLED电视中使用.

“而传统的人工智能只能检测和分析颜色等图像元素, contrast, and detail individually, the new processor can cross-analyze an array of elements at once, just as our brains do," the company said in its press release. 处理器中的“声音-图像-现实”功能可以“将声音的位置与屏幕上的图像对齐,以提供独特的逼真体验。."

The Consumer Technology Association predicts that by 2024, 65英寸及更大的显示器销售中有一半将是8K的,而8K电视机的批发价格将在未来三年内下降约一半(1500美元), following the trend of previous HD and 4K devices. However, 未来一两年,8K电视机的销售将面临来自类似尺寸的4K超高清电视机的巨大价格竞争.

Virtual Set Displays

Sony plans to sell modular "virtual set" displays similar to those used by ILM, Disney, and Epic Games to create The Mandalorian. There are two versions of the screens, C和B系列,后者是由索尼影业专门开发的,用作工作室的背景而不显示反射. The C-Series is intended for outdoor signage installation or showrooms. Both displays are modular and use the same processing as Sony TVs, with the ability to handle HDR, 120 fps, and 3D video sources.

According to Sony, "these displays are capable of high frame rates and 3D, so the there's a lot of flexibility in what kind of signal you can feed them." Sony plans to release the product in the summer; no price has been revealed.

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